Pair Programming vs. Pull Request Reviews

Striking the Balance in Remote Development

Pair Programming vs. Pull Request Reviews

In the ever-evolving world of software engineering, collaboration is key. Two popular approaches to fostering collaboration among software developers are Pair Programming and Pull Request (PR) Reviews. Both have their merits and drawbacks, and the choice between them can be influenced by various factors, including the remote nature of modern development teams. In this blog, we'll delve into the pros and cons of both methodologies and explore how to strike the right balance when working remotely.

Pair Programming


Real-time Collaboration: Pair programming promotes real-time collaboration between two developers working together on the same codebase. This leads to faster problem-solving and immediate feedback.

Knowledge Transfer: It's an excellent way to transfer knowledge within a team, especially between experienced and junior developers. The more experienced developer can mentor and guide the less experienced one.

Reduced Bugs: With two sets of eyes on the code, there's a higher chance of catching bugs early in the development process, reducing the likelihood of major issues downstream.


Resource Intensive: Pair programming can be resource-intensive as it requires two developers to focus on a single task. This might not always be feasible, especially in resource-constrained environments.

Burnout Risk: Constant collaboration can lead to burnout if not managed well. Developers may feel drained from the continuous interaction.

Limited Diverse Input: It's possible to develop tunnel vision when working in pairs, potentially limiting the diversity of ideas and approaches.

Pull Request Reviews


Asynchronous Collaboration: PR reviews allow developers to work on their own schedule, making it suitable for distributed and remote teams spanning different time zones.

Code Quality: A well-thought-out PR review process can significantly improve code quality. Multiple eyes can catch issues that might have been missed during development.

Scalability: PR reviews scale well with larger teams and can handle multiple parallel efforts without overburdening developers.


Delays: PR reviews can introduce delays in the development process, especially if reviewers are busy or if there's a significant time zone difference between team members.

Miscommunication: Asynchronous communication can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, especially when clarifications are needed on the code changes.

Missed Learning Opportunities: Unlike pair programming, where knowledge transfer is more direct, PR reviews may not provide the same level of mentorship and learning for junior developers.

Remote Considerations

When it comes to choosing between pair programming and PR reviews in a remote work environment, several factors need to be considered.

Team Size: In larger remote teams, PR reviews can be more practical as they accommodate different schedules and reduce the need for constant real-time collaboration.

Time Zones: If your team spans multiple time zones, PR reviews allow developers to work independently without being dependent on others being available simultaneously.

Complexity: For complex tasks or critical projects, pair programming can be invaluable, as it ensures immediate problem-solving and thorough knowledge transfer.

Team Culture: The culture and preferences of your development team should also play a role. Some developers thrive in collaborative, real-time environments, while others prefer the independence of asynchronous work.

Striking the Balance

In practice, the choice between pair programming and PR reviews doesn't have to be binary. Remote teams can strike a balance by combining both approaches.

Use Pair Programming Sparingly: Reserve pair programming for tasks that require immediate collaboration, knowledge transfer, or complex problem-solving.

Leverage PR Reviews for Routine Tasks: Routine coding tasks, bug fixes, or less critical features can be handled through PR reviews, allowing developers to work at their own pace.

Maintain Open Communication: Encourage open communication channels to address any issues that may arise during PR reviews, minimising miscommunication.

Flexibility: Be flexible in your approach, allowing team members to choose the method that suits their working style for a given task.

In conclusion, the choice between pair programming and PR reviews depends on various factors, including the nature of the project, team size, and the remote working environment. Striking the right balance between these approaches can foster collaboration, enhance code quality, and cater to the diverse needs and preferences of your remote development team. Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for your unique circumstances while keeping an open mind to adapt as your team evolves.