Remote Working

Remote Working

Remote working certainly isn’t anything new and has been the norm in a lot of larger organisations such as Banks since the 2010s due to desks, or lack of them, However, it wasn’t something I used to do regularly and was new to a lot of us when we had no choice but to work from home once the pandemic hit.

It’s been 3 years almost to the day since I started to work from home regularly and I thought I would share some of my and my client's experiences on how you can make the most of remote working from both an employee's and employer’s perspective.

Setting the ground rules

Remote work can blur the lines between work and home life, so it's important that ‘ground rules’ or ways of working are established.

Establish clear communication channels

Communication is key when it comes to remote work. This for me is the single biggest loss or challenge with remote first or fully remote environments. Quick chats in the kitchen, water fountains or in the lifts are intangible and hard to replicate remotely.

Foster a culture of trust

Trust is important in any team, but it's especially important in a remote environment. There is nothing worse than thinking your employer doesn’t trust you and is trying to catch you out and on the flip side, it’s hard if you feel a certain team member is overstepping the mark and taking advantage of the situation.

Provide the right tools and resources

It might seem a simple one and I’d hope most organisations have this in a good place by now! But remote workers need access to the right tools and resources to do their jobs effectively

Create opportunities for team building:

Remote work can be isolating, so it's important to create opportunities for team building and social interaction.

In conclusion, a lot of this isn’t rocket science, but it also isn’t the easiest to get right 100% of the time, for every team member who is happy to be fully remote with every little interaction, there is one who craves the team environment and needs collaboration to produce their best work. It’s important to establish all the things above but to bear in mind you will need to be flexible and understanding of individual team members from time to time. Remote working is firmly here to stay, and I think we will all continue to evolve and improve the way we work in remote teams and manage remote teams. Maybe 3 years on I will update this blog on whatever I have observed and learned!